An exclusive library of Sri Vaishnava ebooks and literature

An exclusive library of Sri Vaishnava ebooks and literature
Some 2 decades ago the nascent idea of this website was formed with the intention of introducing the extraordinary works of SrI Vaishnava Acharyas and Azhwars to the reading public at large, both in India and abroad, through the medium of English language in the form of eBooks.
That humble effort has now blossomed into a rich and frequently used website housing over 450 eBooks. It is satisfying to know that these books are being actively used by many across the globe.Read more...
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The recently concluded special celebratory events relating to Acharya Ramanuja's Millennium birth anniversary (May 2017) and that of Swami Vedanta Desikan's 750th birth anniversary (Sep 2018) have generated huge data bases on their sacred texts that are of particular interest to the followers of Sri Vaishnavite sampradhayam.
It is in this context, Sri Bhagavad Ramanuja Millennium Philanthropic Foundation (SBRMF) was created by a few of us, to advance the goals of like-minded groups partnering in this growing area of knowledge-sharing opportunities linked to our ancient and sacred texts bequeathed to us by our most merciful Acharyas.Read more...